Oct 15, 2024  
LSU Shreveport 2024-25 Catalog 
LSU Shreveport 2024-25 Catalog

College of Arts and Sciences


Faculty and Staff

Dean: Tibor Szarvas BH226 797.5371
Associate Dean: Elisabeth Liebert BH230 797.5287
Undergraduate Academic Advisor: Rachel Hoffnung BH210 797.5291


General Studies: Mary Jarzabek BH330 797.5318
India Studies Program: Sanjay Menon AD242 797.5247
Institute for Nonprofit Administration and Research: Heather Carpenter  BH121 795.2391
Red River Watershed Management Institute: Mike Maguigan SC121 797.5041

Graduate Program Directors

Master of Arts in Liberal Arts: Evan Reibsome (Interim) BH255 797.5252
Master of Science in Biological Sciences: Stephanie Aamodt SC114A 797.5214
Master of Science in Computer Systems Technology: Subhajit Chakrabarty TC250 795.4283
Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration: Zeeshan Noor BH115  


The diverse programs in the College of Arts and Sciences enable students to interpret, evaluate, and alter their world by fostering an awareness of the laws of nature, along with the social, linguistic, and artistic media through which humanity inscribes its image on the world. Such programs develop a spirit of tolerance and rigorous intellectual honesty that helps students shape their destiny in a free society.


The College provides both the environment and the resources through which students develop the intellectual discipline needed for graduate school, professional school, or careers in many professions. Students develop skills in communication and critical thinking necessary to analyze the natural world and society’s interaction with that world, and to address both scientific and social issues in the objective and humane manner required by a democratic society.

General Information

Responsibilities of Students

Students are responsible for knowing degree requirements, for enrolling in courses that fit into the degree program, and for taking courses in the proper sequence to ensure the orderly progression of work. Students are also responsible for consulting with their advisors every semester.

Pass/No Credit Option

Undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences who have achieved junior standing and have an overall average of 2.0 on all work taken at LSUS may take one course each semester on a pass/no credit basis, with work of C quality or better required for a grade of P. Credits earned in this manner may not exceed a total of 12 hours and all courses so taken must be electives within the degree program. Credits earned on a pass/no credit basis will count toward the total number of hours required for a degree but will not affect grade point average.

Students who wish to schedule a course on the pass/no credit basis must file an application form in the Dean’s office by the final date for adding courses for credit of the semester in which the course is taken. Once enrolled in a course on the pass/no credit basis, students may not change to another grading system. Detailed information may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Additional Requirements for all Bachelor of Arts Programs: Given our interest in the Humanities, we require additional coursework in the Humanities/Fine Arts disciplines. Specifically, students pursuing the BA degree must take a Philosophy course, a second sophomore Literature course, an additional Fine Arts course, and two additional History courses. Finally, we require three courses in one Foreign Language: 101, 102, and 201.

Other Requirements: To be granted the Bachelor of Arts1 degree by the College of Arts and Sciences, students must have successfully completed:

  1. All general degree requirements of the University, of the College, and of the major.
  2. ENGL 115  with a grade of C or better.
  3. A minimum of 30 hours in courses numbered 300 or above.
  4. A minimum of nine hours in residence courses above 300 in the subject of concentration2.
  5. The assessment procedures of their major.

1A maximum of 12 hours of Military Science may be applied toward the degree; no more than four from the Basic Course.

2Transfer students must take at least 12 hours in residence in the subject of concentration, with a minimum of nine in courses numbered 300 or above.

Other Offerings

American Studies Program

The American Studies Program encourages innovative teaching and creative exploration of topics in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts related to the general field of the American heritage. A sound knowledge of the history, culture, and values of the American experience is necessary for a sound civic education, and this privately endowed program attempts to meet this need for the students of LSUS and the citizens of northwest Louisiana.

The program sponsors forums, seminars, and fellowships on the LSUS campus, as well as travel and internship experiences that allow students to study each year in Washington, DC. In cooperation with Continuing Education and Public Service, the College of Arts and Sciences enables interested undergraduate students to develop a sequence of courses in American Studies.

Summer Programs Abroad

The College of Arts and Sciences cooperates with the Division of Continuing Education and Public Service in offering occasional summer programs abroad.

Students may earn six hours of academic credit through participation in lectures and tutorials presented while visiting Continental Europe and England. Credit courses are offered for undergraduate and graduate students; noncredit courses, for members of the community. Further information is available in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Division of Continuing Education and Public Service.