Jan 22, 2025  
LSU Shreveport 2024-25 Catalog 
LSU Shreveport 2024-25 Catalog

Courses for Undergraduate and Graduate Credit

Courses offered during the academic year covered by this catalog will be selected principally from those described on the following pages, but the University reserves the right to make revisions in these offerings. Shown on the same line with the title is the amount of credit given for satisfactory completion of the course. The amount of credit is based on the amount and kind of guided instructional activity each week for one term; for example, one credit represents one hour of lecture or recitation a week for one term. Two hours (in certain courses, three hours) of laboratory work are given one hour of credit. The course description specifies whether the course is lecture, laboratory, recitation, seminar research, independent studies, or some combination of these and also whether there are prerequisites. Some sections of a course may be offered as partially or fully online. The course number is shown to the left of the title. Courses also reflect course equivalencies among postsecondary institutions throughout the state. The following explains the number system.

Course Number Description
000-099 Preparatory courses for no degree credit
100-199 Freshman level courses
200-299 Sophomore level courses (Freshmen allowed with permission)
300-399 Junior and Senior level courses (Sophomores allowed with permission)
400-499 Junior and Senior level courses
500-599 Graduate level courses
600-699 Graduate level courses which correspond to Senior (400) level undergraduate courses
700-799 Graduate level only
800-899 Graduate level; doctoral degree only
  • Specified courses which fulfill the Subject Distribution requirements as listed under GENERAL EDUCATION  elsewhere in this catalog are marked by an asterisk (*).
  • For information on additional courses, which may fulfill Subject Distribution requirements, the students should contact their Dean.
  • Graduate credit courses at the 600- and 700-level in the College of Business are not available to undergraduates.
  • At least 80% of the courses applicable toward an MBA must be for graduate students only.
  • At least 80% of the courses applicable toward the EdD must be numbered 800-899.
  • Except for courses which are designated as “repeat for credit,” a course may be counted only once in the total hours for a degree.

Statewide Common Course Catalog

LA Statewide Common Course Catalog AY 2021-22 (as of September 2021)


Since 2003, the Board of Regents has made available to the public via its website the Master Course Articulation Matrix that reflects course equivalencies among postsecondary institutions. Courses on the Matrix have typically been in the General Education core subject areas, with additional listings in natural sciences and business. In 2009, Act 356 required the implementation of a statewide common course numbering system “to facilitate program planning and the transfer of students and course credits between and among institutions.” Understanding the significance of determining course content equivalencies as critical to developing and maintaining a statewide common course numbering system, the Board of Regents brought together faculty representatives from all of the public colleges and universities starting in the Fall of 2011 to discuss this initiative. The faculty worked to establish common course content to be covered for each course included on the Matrix. The common descriptors, along with statewide course rubrics and titles, are reflected in the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalog. This initiative will continue with an eye toward expansion and refinement of the Matrix.

Louisiana Common Course Number (LCCN) Naming Rubric

Each course is identified by a four-character “rubric” (i.e. prefix or department abbreviation) and a four-digit number. Each rubric begins with C to signify that it is a state “Common” number. The CCN should be included with the course description in each campus’ catalog and website, to tie back to the Matrix.

The first digit of the course number denotes the academic level of the course; the second and third digits establish course sequencing and/or distinguish the course from others of the same level, credit value, and rubric; and the fourth digit denotes the credit value of the course in semester hours.

For example:


A writing course that stresses exposition and argumentation and introduces students to library research. Employs selected readings to illustrate a variety of rhetorical strategies and to enhance critical reading skills. Three hours of lecture. [LCCN: CENL 1013/English Composition I]

The rubric/number course identifiers correspond to course descriptors listed in the Statewide Common Course Catalog published by the Louisiana Board of Regents with direct faculty input and review. The Statewide Common Course Catalog includes the academic courses for which there is statewide agreement among discipline faculty representative as to the minimum course content to be covered so that a student completing the course will be ready for the next course for which it is a prerequisite in a sequence or curriculum.

State Common Course designations will all being with C. Within each level and credit value, there is room for 99 courses. Lectures and corresponding labs will be in the same number group, differentiated by credit value.